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HU_NBT wrong bus error when writing SVT for an unrelated change
I'm preparing to permanently remove my TCB. I removed the 6AC and 6AE options and added the HO-Wort "TELD" on the FA and wrote the FA to the VCM.

I read the SVT from the VCM, removed TCB, saved it then opened the file in the VCM section. When I went to write SVT, it gave the error attached. I did not proceed.

I then did a "Read (ECU)" and compared the files of the SVT read from the VCM and the "Read (ECU)" (I'll call it "actual") one and found a difference:

SVT from VCM: <ecuBusConnectionInfo busType="ETHERNET" busID="15"/>

SVT actual: <ecuBusConnectionInfo busType="ETHERNET_63" busID="22"/>

Should I:

1) Ignore the error and write the VCM based on the SVT taken from the VCM.

2) Use the SVT data from the "Read (ECU)" to write to the VCM.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Delete the ecu from the svt and write to vcm. Ignore the error
(02-21-2024, 10:42 AM)TheNine90 Wrote: Delete the ecu from the svt and write to vcm. Ignore the error

After reading more since I posted the thread, it seems that NBT probably should list ETHERNET_63 busID 22 rather than ETHERNET busID 15. What puzzles me is why Ethernet busID 15 was ever in the SVT in the first place for NBT.
I ended up going for an option 3 haha.

I edited the file from the VCM and changed the HU_NBT to busType="ETHERNET_63" busID="22". No error. No issues.
(02-22-2024, 01:46 AM)bradsm87 Wrote: I ended up going for an option 3 haha.

I edited the file from the VCM and changed the HU_NBT to busType="ETHERNET_63" busID="22". No error. No issues.
Hi i have this same error, you get. Where did you find the 15 and 22 bus id area to amend. I cant find it.

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